Luis Fernández-Galiano
El mundo que viene
The World to Come
Veinte países, veinte estudios Twenty Countries, Twenty Studios
Alemania Germany, FNP Architekten
Pabellones de madera (Alemania) Wood Pavilions (Germany)
Viviendas en Killesberg, Stuttgart (Alemania) Killesberg Housing, Stuttgart (Germany)
Australia Australia, Terroir
Restaurante en Peppermint Bay (Australia) Peppermint Bay Restaurant (Australia)
Casa en Castle Cove, Sidney (Australia) Castle Cove House, Sydney (Australia)
Austria Austria, Alles Wird Gut
Jardín de infancia, Arlberg (Austria) Kindergarten, Arlberg (Austria)
MOM Adidas, Baviera (Alemania) Adidas MOM, Bavaria (Germany)
Chile Chile, Pezo & Von Ellrichshausen
Casa Wolf, San Pedro (Chile) Wolf House, San Pedro (Chile)
Casa Parr, Chiguayante (Chile) Parr House, Chiguayante (Chile)
China China, MAD
Club Social Hong Luo, Pekín (China) Hong Luo Club House, Beijing (China)
Pabellón de Dinamarca, Copenhague (Dinamarca) Denmark Pavilion, Copenhagen (Denmark)
Corea Korea, UnSangDONG Architects Cooperation
Galería Yeh, Seúl (Corea del Sur) Yeh Gallery, Seoul (South Korea)
Complejo Cultural, Gwangju (Corea del Sur) Asian Culture Complex, Gwangju (South Korea)
Dinamarca Denmark, BIG
Hospital psiquiátrico, Elsinor (Dinamarca) Psychiatric Hospital, Helsingør (Denmark)
Viviendas en Ørestad, Copenhague (Dinamarca) Big House in Ørestad, Copenhagen (Denmark)
Eslovenia Slovenia, Bevk Perovic Arhitekti
Facultad de Matemáticas, Ljubljana (Eslovenia) Faculty of Mathematics, Ljubljana (Slovenia)
Viviendas en Vilharjeva (Eslovenia) Vilharjeva Housing (Slovenia)
España Spain, Cloud 9/Enric Ruiz Geli
Villa Nurbs, Empuriabrava (España) Villa Nurbs, Empuriabrava (Spain)
Acuario de Nueva York (Estados Unidos) New York Aquarium (United States)
Estados Unidos United States, Xefirotarch
Pabellón P.S.1, Nueva York (Estados Unidos) P.S.1 Pavilion, New York (United States)
Pabellón Seroussi, París (Francia) Seroussi Pavilion, Paris (France)
Francia France, Block
Viviendas en Les Herbiers (Francia) Les Herbiers Housing (France)
Residencia turística en Sainte-Féréole (Francia) Residence in Sainte-Féréole (France)
Irlanda Ireland, Boyd Cody Architects
Casa en Richmond Place, Dublín (Irlanda) Richmond Place House, Dublin (Ireland)
Casa Dromard, Sligo (Irlanda) Dromard House, Sligo (Ireland)
Japón Japan, Sou Fujimoto Architects
Casa O, Chiba (Japón) O House, Chiba (Japan)
Casa N, Oita (Japón) N House, Oita (Japan)
Luxemburgo Luxembourg, Polaris
Pabellón Skip, Belval (Luxemburgo) Skip Pavilion, Belval (Luxembourg)
Diseño Urbano en Colonia (Alemania), Urban Design in Cologne (Germany)
México Mexico, LAR/Fernando Romero
Casa de Té, Jinhua (China) Bridge Tea House, Jinhua (China)
Museo Soumaya, México D.F. (México) Soumaya Museum, Mexico D.F. (Mexico)
Países Bajos The Netherlands, BAR Architects
Cabina de control, Middelburg (Países Bajos) Bridge House, Middelburg (The Netherlands)
Casas en Nesselande, Rotterdam (Países Bajos) Nesselande Houses, Rotterdam (The Netherlands)
Portugal Portugal, Atelier da Bouça
Centro Ambiental, Chã de Lamas (Portugal) Environmental Center, Chã de Lamas (Portugal)
Centro Ambiental, Lisboa (Portugal) Environmental Center, Lisbon (Portugal)
Reino Unido United Kingdom, Plasma Studio
Casa Esker, San Cándido (Italia) Esker House, San Candido (Italy)
Biblioteca de la Universidad de Darmstadt (Alemania) Darmstadt University Library (Germany)
Suecia Sweden, Tham & Videgård Hansson
Museo de Arte, Kalmar (Suecia) Art Museum, Kalmar (Sweden)
Casa de verano en el sur (Suecia) Summerhouse in the South (Sweden)
Suiza Switzerland, EM2N
Ampliación del Archivo Público, Liestal (Suiza) Public Records Office Extension, Liestal (Switzerland)
Toni-Areal, Zúrich (Suiza) Toni-Areal, Zurich (Switzerland) Luis Fernández-Galiano The World to Come | We look at the young to make out the profiles of the world to come. Nevertheless, the projects of the last generations harbor desires rather than predictions. Driven by a system in which acknowledgment is based on singularity, the majority of emerging architects strive to make themselves known in the middle of a cluttered landscape where only the exceptional guarantees an ephemeral popularity. In this alphabet soup, fed also by media that revere novelty as a fuel for an accelerated change in fashion and trends, young studios try to consolidate their brand name as the only path towards professional or personal stability, and this process rewards distinctive traits rather than shared ones, the original rather than the serial, and cries rather than whispers. Though they belong to a chronological generation, the works and projects of recent architects do not outline a collective landscape and, in the absence of a choral objective, basically reflect the extreme diversity of their intentions. Selecting a representative group of emerging offices is always a risky bet, and throughout this journey in the dark we have guided ourselves by several arbitrary boundaries and some uncertain hints. The boundaries have been the inevitable one of age – set at the usual forty years – and the decision to publish one single team per country, independently from their economic and demographic dimension, a dubious criterion that however permits creating a manageable list, having in mind that this number extends its geographic reach (restricted to Spain or Europe in prior compilations on young architects in our magazines) to the whole planet. For their part, the hints used to prepare the list have been the many awards given to new offices and the condition of their having completed at least one work. So this is how our summary has been prepared: feeling the walls limiting ages and countries, and half-closing our eyes to perceive the weak clarity of the distinctions and the accomplishments. As a result of this demanding and random process, the list of teams presented – each illustrated with one work and one project – is marked by inconsistencies, and perhaps also by findings. Significant countries are missing, and others are represented by teams of equivocal location; there are architects that have been emerging for a decade, and others that, being officially young, lead sizeable offices; there are firms that are fully local in terms of members and commissions, and others that are as cosmopolitan in their composition as in the geographic dispersion of their works. These wrinkles and holes blur the Cartesian list of merit, but also give texture and thickness to this portrait in smoke: in it we discern evanescent shadows and vague dreams along with flint sparks and steel reflections. It is not easy to know whether the overall result heralds fog or fire, but its gauzy penumbra composes a pixelled depiction of a world in fragments, and in those mirror shards we see not what is coming but what we are. |