Art Mix:
How did Fitzrovia become the new gallery hub?; All tomorrow’s parties; HTML London; How do you get ready for the Turner Prize announcement?; Quote of the Quarter (Footnote of the Quarter)
Open Files:
John Waters, Nathaniel Rackowe, Erik van Lieshout, Vicky Wright, Gia Edzgveradze, Maia Naveriani, Tamara K.E., Kon Trubkovich, Camilla Steinum, Tony Oursler, David Evison, Jens Jensen, Tobias Pils, Sebastiaan Bremer, Silvia Bachli, Charlott Weise, Despina Stokou, Shan Hur, Drawing Now Paris, Hormazd Narielwalla, Sabrina Geschwandtner
Paper Gallery One:
Tom Butler: Defacing the Victorians
Jean-Philippe Delhomme: The Power of Machines
London Art Studios:
Jonny Briggs, Adeline de Monseignat, Alex Clarke, Ziggy Grudzinskas, Pheobe Collings-James
Show of the Times:
Sarah Sze’s Fieldwork: Ethnographic Surrealism
Eat It! Charlotte Jansen explores how food is used in art whether it be as a democratic communicative tool, to disgust or as a mediator between life and death.
Ron van der Ende: Popping out of the Wall. Nicola Bozzi talks to the artist about his idiosyncratic methodology.
Paper Gallery Two:
Celia Hempton: Webcam Intimacies
In-depth interviews with Alex Prager, Joachim Schmid, Paul Chan, Walter Niedermayr, Doug Aitken
London: Internationalism vs Localism: What Gagosian Are We in Again? Notes on a Not-City; Abigail Reynolds: Cuts in Time; An Unreal City; Paul Davis’s Tired of London
Josephine King’s Diary
Curator’s Eye View: Grace Banks talks to Guggenheim Bilbao’s head curator Alvaro Rodriguez Fominaya
Book Journal: Sarah Thornton 33 Artists in 3 Acts, Ten Ideas by Justin Adian
Enditorial by Marc Valli